Last Kristmas

Advent of Code 2021 in K.

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See solutions on the Fediverse and Twitch.


Here be spoilers
f: "4.txt"
lines: 0:f
split: {y@{1+y+!x-(1+y)}':-1,&x=y,x}
n: (-1+#lines)%6
draw: 0$'split[",";*lines]
parse: {0$'n@&(0<)'#:'n:split[" ";x]}
boards: (parse')'{5#(x _ lines)}'2+6*!n
subst: {(z,y)@(!#z)|'(#z)*x=z}
check: -1
won: {{x|y}/((5#check)~)'x,+:x}
play: {:[(z/i:won'm:(subst[*x;check;]')'y)
  (*x),m@&i;_f[1_ x;m@&~i;z]]}
score: {(*x)*(+/0>a)++/a:,/x@1}
solve: {score play[draw;boards;x]}
one: solve {x|y}
two: solve {x&y}

All videos

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Day 5

Day 11